Painting your Silicone Baby
Using SilcPig pigments
Some students are having problems getting hold of the SAM pigment set that we set up for the painting videos. Tom, who makes the SAM pigments, had a stroke earlier last year and has passed over the distribution of the SAM products to somebody else and I understand people are having issues getting hold of them, and the set of pigments that Tom packed together for us doesn't seem to be available any more.
So I have worked out a set of colours, using the SilcPig range of colours, that can be used instead of the SAM colours.
I have also done an additional accompanying video showing how to mix the colours using the SilcPig range of colours.
The SilcPig silicone pigments are produced by Smooth-On and so are very easily sourced from your normal Smooth-On distributor, and there is a trial pack of 9 colours which cost around £43 GBP.
If you can't find the SAM pigments easily, I suggest you get a trial set of the SilcPig pigments and mix them as shown in the diagram and in the video, to make your own colours.
Silicone Pigments
I am aware that people have been struggling to get the SAM pigments for some time now, I understand that Tom had a stroke a few months back and has passed on the production of his products to another supplier in the US and it is now near impossible to get them in the UK and I believe the kits Tom put together for my videos, is no longer available.
SO - I have done a 'you can use this colour instead' diagram for anybody who is struggling. I often have talked about SAM and Enfis pigments, both these products are really good quality and I know are colour fast. I have moved over to Enfls completely now, the Enfis range is available easily throughout the world, but I've also set out a range of colours mixed from SilcPig pigments which definitely can be obtained easily from Smooth On.
I hope this is helpful.
These different colours/brands are certainly not identical but in my opinion can be used in place of each other successfully.
SO - I have done a 'you can use this colour instead' diagram for anybody who is struggling. I often have talked about SAM and Enfis pigments, both these products are really good quality and I know are colour fast. I have moved over to Enfls completely now, the Enfis range is available easily throughout the world, but I've also set out a range of colours mixed from SilcPig pigments which definitely can be obtained easily from Smooth On.
I hope this is helpful.
These different colours/brands are certainly not identical but in my opinion can be used in place of each other successfully.
Painting your Silicone Baby - video tutorials
FREE painting video 1
FREE painting video 2
FREE painting video 3
FREE painting video 4
FREE painting video 5
FREE painting video 6
FREE painting video 7
FREE painting video 8
FREE painting video 9
FREE painting video 10
FREE painting video 11
FREE painting video 12
FREE painting video 13
FREE painting video 14
FREE painting video 15
Below you will find all the 'Technical Data' and 'Safety Data' for most of the products we will be using for painting with silicone.
Generally silicone is non-toxic but some of the solvents we will be using are toxic, some are flammable and some do require using PPE.
Although you may see me using the products without protective equipment or masks etc, this does not necessarily mean the products are completely safe.
It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that you are using the products safely, therefore please do read all the safety data on the products so that you can take responsibility for your own safety.
Generally silicone is non-toxic but some of the solvents we will be using are toxic, some are flammable and some do require using PPE.
Although you may see me using the products without protective equipment or masks etc, this does not necessarily mean the products are completely safe.
It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that you are using the products safely, therefore please do read all the safety data on the products so that you can take responsibility for your own safety.